Music In Tulsa

About MusicInTulsa

The Tulsa Musician Directory: is the most complete directory of local musicians and bands in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our mission is to provide a curated catalog of local Tulsa musicians and bands, making it easier than ever for Tulsans to discover and support local music. is a free resource for musicians and fans alike. This catalog of local Tulsa music is built by the community and curated by our team of admins.

The Community (That's You):

  • Submit Musician Information: Musicians, fans, supportive moms- anyone can fill out a few simple forms to add to the directory. Admins approve submissions to ensure directory quality.
  • Spread the Word: Everyone can contribute by spreading the word about the Tulsa Musician Directory. The more people who know about our platform, the more vibrant our community becomes.
  • Feedback and Suggestions: We value your input. Share your feedback, ideas, and suggestions with us. Your insights help us continuously improve and refine our platform.

Not From Tulsa?

Tulsa is the perfect city to build a community tool like That said, every city should have a directory of local musicians and bands. If you are looking to start a directory for your city, we would love to help! We are happy to share our codebase and help you get started.

Visit our Github!

The Contributors (Nerds):

Nathan Hall

Creator, Developer, and Admin

Nathan Hall - Tulsa Musician Directory
Ethan Wakeford - Tulsa Musician Directory

Ethan Wakeford

Creator, Developer, and Admin

Brayden Vernon


Brayden Vernon - Tulsa Musician Directory
Aaron Manuel - Tulsa Musician Directory

Aaron Manuel
